tisdag 18 januari 2011
6 months ago
I friend of mine decided to leave us six months ago. It feels like yesterday. It feels like forever and it feel like he never left. I really miss him. But I know that he has it better wherever he is now.
I miss you Adam!
måndag 17 januari 2011
Tickets bocked
Finally have we bocked the tickets to my visit to Sweden. It's cheaper for me to fly from Belgium or Germany to Sweden then it is for me to take the bus from my hometown and go and see one of my best friends who only lives 4 swedish miles from me in Sweden :) Go Ryanair!
Note to self:
If you have a boss who used to work with food, think of were you put the food and when.
Mondays sucks!
I hate mondays, it means that a new week has began and also that the cleaning lady is here. She'll comes every monday morning to clean the house and that gives me no time to sleep. I like to sleep an hour or so after the kids have gone to school, but not on mondays. My duty then is to just stay out of the way and just beacause she cleans my room to I can't stay in there.
I hate that we have a cleaning lady but it's nice to. The house becomes so.. well.. clean after she has been here. For about four hours, then all the kids are home and it's a mess again.
But I don't like that she's in my room. I hate when other's clean my room. I even hate it when I clean my room ^^ But, as I said, it's nice to. I hope they pay her well! =)
söndag 16 januari 2011
Sick week is over!
Tomorrow starts a new week and maybe we can go in to our routines again. No more sick week for a very long time thank you!
And on tuesday is it only two weeks left until I'll visit Sweden and home! I just can't wait! I really hope that these two week goes faster than ever!
Blog you later!
fredag 14 januari 2011
torsdag 13 januari 2011
I like turtles because they're so chill. They don't hurt anyone. They're just like, "Hey man, I want to swim, and maybe eat some lettuce. But I'm gonna take my time getting there, I'm not in a rush. Because I'm a turtle."
What to blog about?
I don't have any inspiration for blogging. Not for the moment at least. What should I blog about?
I found this on BJG's blog.
A strong woman works out everyday to keep her body in shape…
But a woman of strength builds relationships to keep her soul in shape
A strong woman isn't afraid of anything…
But a woman of strength shows courage in the midst of fear.
A strong woman won't let anyone get the better of her…
But a woman of strength gives the best of herself to everyone.
A strong woman makes mistakes and avoids the same in the future…
A woman of strength realises life's mistakes can also be unexpected blessings, and capitalises on them
A strong woman wears a look of confidence on her face…
But a woman of strength wears grace.
A strong woman has faith that she is strong enough for the journey…
But a woman of strength has faith that it is in the journey that she will become strong.
Bethany Joy Galeotti is one of the actors of "One Tree Hill".
Read her amazing blog here!
tisdag 11 januari 2011
söndag 9 januari 2011
Nej,vi är ingen incestfamilj
Ibland är man sämst på att skriva. Andra gånger går det bra. Igår var inte en sådan dag. Om ni läste gårdagens inlägg om att jag skulle besöka Sverige så borde ni ha upptäckt ett litet fel där. (Det är ändrat nu) Jag råkade skriva att min syster och min systerson har samma pappa! Det har de verkligen inte! Jag tänkte skriva att han (min systersons pappa alltså) var både min systers kille OCH pappan till min systerbarn. Mest för att ni skulle fatta att de tre hörde ihop eftersom jag skrev om min andra syster as well.
Så, nu när det är utrett kan vi går vidare med våra liv!
lördag 8 januari 2011
Besök i Sverige!
Snart kommer jag att få besöka Sverige! Den 2 feb till den 7 feb befinner jag mig på svensk mark! Kommer att kännas underdunderbart!
Har precis skypat lite med två av mina systrar med plus min systerson och jag tror att jag såg en skymt av min systers kille (min systersons pappa) där någonstans med. Saknar dem, men snart ses vi.
Just nu sitter jag och utnyttjar internet på en snabbmatsresturant. Har suttit här i några timmar nu, men vem bryr sig? Får väl åka hem om ett tag men jag har mindre lust till det. Dock kommer jag att få mitt internet efter jag har varit i Sverige. Äntligen!
Men om ca en vecka åker pappan till Spanien så då har jag internet på dagarna igen, skönt. Och när han kommer hem så åker jag ju till Sverige. Känner på mig att denna månaden kommer gå snabbt!
Vad har ni för er?